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Important note
Quote from over 100 years ago: "Law is the law of the ruling class" - but still true.
Schön, das Du da bist
"Those of you who voted for CDU/CSU, SPD, GRÜNE, FDP or even AfD on election day, or who
did not vote at all......
and then thinks a speech by Sahra Wagenknecht is great,
The individual should refrain from speaking for a period of four years and reflect on their behavior.
The SPD's betrayal of social democratic values in recent years.
(Such a policy was and is to be expected from the CDU/CSU and the FDP)

(Listed as keywords)
  • Hartz IV with all the deteriorations in the Lasufe of recent years. (e.g., measures to reduce unemployment, no payments into the pension fund during unemployment, etc.)
  • Social cuts in all areas.
  • Neoliberalism, including approval of the privatization of state-owned companies. (Squandering of national wealth)
  • No modernization of the works constitution; on the contrary, massive dismantling of employee rights.
  • Temporary work, contracts for work, offshoring.
  • Dismantling of protection against dismissal.
  • End of equal funding of social insurance.
  • Abolition of comprehensive healthcare in favor of basic care.
  • Authorization of highly speculative financial products
  • Tax exemption for corporations on the sale of shareholdings
  • New and higher consumption taxes
  • EEG levy, eco-tax
  • Riester and Rührup pensions as a turbo-mast program for banks, insurance companies and the Maschmeyers of this world
  • Breaking up the pension fund and statutory health insurance in favor of the private sector
  • Mismanagement in numerous state banks
  • Data retention
  • Warning industry
  • Active approval of TTIP, TISA, CETA, etc.
  • Collective bargaining unity law
  • War missions of the Bundeswehr abroad
  • Egg dances on the refugee issue and support for a dubious agreement with Turkish MP Erdogan
  • Supporting a "reform" of inheritance tax in favor of rich heirs.
  • Expansion of lobbying
  • A further step towards total pay-TV (see introduction of DVBT 2)
  • Support for plans to privatize the freeways (squandering of national wealth continues)
  • Introduction of the highway toll by approval in both the Bundestag and the Bundesrat
  • Arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia and Erdogan's Turkey.
  • Approval of the privatization of the freeways
  • Abolition of banking secrecy
  • Allowing the Federal Government to kneel before the car companies to the detriment of defrauded diesel drivers.
  • Renewed arms deliveries to belligerent Turkey.
  • Hiring a man from "Goldmann - Sachs" as State Secretary by Olaf Scholz.
  • Continued approval of the castration of piglets without spaying or neutering.
  • and, and, and........

Note: Anyone who moves from the "left" more and more to the "center" should not be surprised that he comes out "right" and thus becomes a copy of the CDU.

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