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Here is some information about me.

My name is Jochen Schuk.
After attending the general education Graf Konrad School in Dortmund Lindenhorst, I began training as a telecommunications technician and worked in this profession at the then "Deutsche Bundespost" after successfully passing my final examination.
Immediately after starting my training at Deutsche Bundespost, I joined the German Postal Workers' Union (DPG). My colleagues first elected me to the local youth committee and then to the district youth committee.
At the end of the 1960s, I applied for a place at the Social Academy in Dortmund. With the help of a scholarship from the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), I studied economics, business administration, sociology, social policy and law after passing the entrance exam.
After my studies, my trade union recruited me to the Dortmund district administration as a trade union secretary. There I was responsible for youth, the telecommunications sector, shop steward work, press work, the media and IT sector as well as disciplinary, labor and social law representation of telecom colleagues before the relevant courts.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990, I decided, like many other colleagues, to go to the still existing GDR (more precisely to Magdeburg) to help build up the DPG in Saxony-Anhalt. Obviously, I gained the trust of my colleagues, because they elected me as their regional chairman.
This shifted the center of my life to Saxony-Anhalt.
In the years that followed, I learned a lot and had to learn a lot more.
In the meantime, I was re-elected several times.
From 1991, I also represented our regional district on the main board of the DPG.
After the merger of the trade unions DAG, DPG, HBV, IG-Medien and ÖTV to form the United Services Trade Union ver.di, I was deputy regional director of the ver.di regional district of Saxony-Anhalt and at the same time regional director of the regional division 9 "ITK". This covers the federal states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

In April 2005, I decided to quit my job and become a private individual. And I can say: "I feel really good about it". I finally have the necessary time to devote more time to my hobbies and to continue writing my book entitled "A servant of servants" about the experiences of a full-time trade unionist as well as short stories.

My hobbies and interests are:

Politics, computers, photography, image editing, film editing, traveling, motorcycling, reading and music.

I have also been a lecturer at the HVHS - Akademie Haus Sonneck in Naumburg for several years. I run computer seminars for senior citizens there. (Image editing, film editing, creating your own homepage, computer security)
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